Best SEO Keywords For Interior Designers

A big part in finding the best SEO keywords for interior designers comes down to a couple things:

  • What are your customers searching for, in terms of your specific service?
  • What city are you located in?

Since local search engine optimization is going to be so huge for you interior design firm (since you offer a local service), it's super important to build an SEO keyword strategy for your business. The entire point of SEO is inbound marketing - that is, to bring clients that are looking for what you offer, directly to you.

SEO for interior designers works so well because even when times are tough - recessions, slow times - it doesn't matter. You're tapping into a market that's outside of your network (people you don't know), who are looking for exactly what you offer.

So.. what are the best SEO keywords for interior designers?

In this short post, we'll go through some SEO keywords that are the best to use for interior designers and interior design firms.

"CITY + Interior Designer"

You'll notice a pattern as we go through these keywords.

Since most interior designers deal with clients locally, you will want to target local people that are searching for your services.

If you're in Toronto, you want to show up when someone searches "Toronto Interior Designer".

If you're in Los Angeles, "Interior Designer LA" or "Los Angeles Interior Designer".

These are a bit harder to rank for, because they're such generic terms. Not to mention, since every other interior designer is using SEO to try and rank for that keyword, it's super competitive.

Which leads us to something called a long-tail keyword.

"CITY + Interior Design Company"

Long tail keywords are usually phrases of four or more words. These are so much easier to rank for in Google because they're longer phrases, therefore they're less competitive in nature.

Below, we'll dive even deeper or go into what's known as "buyer's intent" when it comes to searching.

"CITY + Kitchen Interior Designer"

Here, people Google not only for an interior designer within their city.. but a specific type of interior designer. A Kitchen designer. See how much more specific, and with that more intention of buying this phrase entails?

It's been proven that the more specific that a search term is, the more intent there is for a person to buy.

"CITY + Bathroom Interior Design Company"

You can see the same sort of effect being played out above.

I'm in Toronto (City) looking to get a bathroom done (Bathroom) and looking for a firm (interior design company) to do it.

The more specific the search, the more ready-to-buy your customers are.

"Interior Designer Near Me"

This one is a bit funny.

A lot of people surprisingly use this search term. It's pretty difficult to rank for - but if you can, you're tapping into a fairly large market of people using SEO to search for what you offer.

"Best Interior Design Firm + CITY"

Not only is there intent in this search, but you know they're not tire kickers.

When someone uses words like "Best", you know that they know that with that, comes money to spend. Which is great for you.

In conclusion, these are some of the best SEO keywords for interior designers.

Want your interior design website to rank on the first page of Google?

Contact us today to see how we can help setup a strategy for your interior design firm.

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